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  1. BrownDog
  2. BD-441

Create collection/dataset/file in space


      when creating a new resource ability to set where it will go
      modification of services to handle spaces being applied to the elements
      listing and sorting by space
      update views to allow for the new functionality to be exposed
      Questions to be discussed before the full requirements can be determined include:
      How many spaces can a given resource be in?
      Let's start with one for this task and then figure out how to do it
      Are spaces inherited? For example, if I have a file in my default space, and I create a dataset in a specific other space, and I then add my file into that dataset, what happens?
      No initially. Too confusing.
      Cascade effects on contained resources within a space? Will actions that happen on the space itself propagate to the contained resources?
      What kind of actions?
      For example, deletion of a space. If the resource is only contained by that one space, should the option be present to also delete the resource? Or should it simply detach? Or should we have both available?
      How are spaces to be administered? Can users simply add or remove a space to a resource? Or from the other side, can users add or remove resources from spaces?
      The latter. Users add / remove resources from space

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              mfelarca Mario Felarca
              jvotava Jason Votava (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
