Uploaded image for project: 'BrownDog'
  1. BrownDog
  2. BD-442

Policy: how long intermediate files are kept


      Review Bookmarklet and how it handles files. Determine basic programmatic use case based off this.
      Review BrownDog use cases to find a UI driven (user) use case. Will update this bullet after quick review.
      Questions that need to be answered based on the use cases include:
      Is this a basic system-wide setting, stored in the DB or read from a conf file?
      Is the setting configurable by users/admins?
      Should the setting be scoped to spaces/tools/users/resources/etc...?
      Do users require a manual way to clear these files?

              mfelarca Mario Felarca
              jvotava Jason Votava (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
