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  1. BrownDog
  2. BD-674

Tool Levels


      Highlight and allow tools to be filtered according to levels of information provided:

      Level 1 = Just a link (not usable out of box)
      Level 2 = a script (usable with a little work, i.e. setting up a VM)
      Level 3 = a container (usable with a click of a button)
      Level 4 = test data included (automatically usable and testable, the best case situation!)

      Would like to have sub-icons on tool icons indicating the level (perhaps a badge kind of thing). Should be able to filter by tool level. By default higher level tools should come first. Once done we can port the 2000 or so Conversion Software Tools here as Level 1 tools.

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              inna Inna Zharnitsky
              kmchenry Kenton McHenry
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
