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  1. BrownDog
  2. BD-682

Scale down action in the elasticity module is not being triggered


      Scale down is not being triggered even if the extractors are idle for more than one hour and the list of extractor instance scale-down candidates is empty.
      I observed that this may be due to some unacked msg in the queue from the file upload from Humanpref extractor. I deleted the HumanPreference Index queue and now the scale down procedure is working and able to suspend the VMs. However, I see lots of Error in the log file about ssh error to the vlad-mgmt machine.
      Example :2015-06-22 14:25:04,126 INFO : about to run command: "['ssh', 'vlad-mgmt.ncsa.illinois.edu', 'ssh', '-l', 'ubuntu', u'', '-O', 'exit']"
      No ControlPath specified for "-O" command
      2015-06-22 14:25:04,263 ERROR : Running command: "['ssh', 'vlad-mgmt.ncsa.illinois.edu', 'ssh', '-l', 'ubuntu', u'', '-O', 'exit']" returned error. Error: , error code: 255

              ruiliu Rui Liu
              spadhy Smruti Padhy
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