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  1. Clowder
  2. CATS-534

Refactoring of Follow/Unfollow code and bug fixes


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • GUI
    • None

      1. Tiles in main page’s Following do not delete properly (remove div). It is not consistent, it seems to work better with more resources followed.
      2. Escape empty spaces in resources’ names in the recommendation part of follow functions.
      3. refactor follow-button.js and recommendation.js, almost all functions duplicate each other, I think recommendation.js should be incorporated in to follow-button. We also need follow.scala.html with alll the Follow/Unfollow buttons.
      4. recommendation panel is not called or not used, discuss it.
      5. following of other user in Events (User - stopped following user: User) does not show the correct name of the followee however the link to profile is correct.
      6. it looks like there are multiple entries in Events for the same event, this might have something to do with the button handlers in js being added to all buttons and not removed (unbind).

              mondrejc Michal Ondrejcek
              mondrejc Michal Ondrejcek
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              1 Start watching this issue


                  Original Estimate - 3 days
                  Remaining Estimate - 3 days
                  Time Spent - Not Specified
                  Not Specified