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  1. Clowder
  2. CATS-820

Edit license breaks on names with apostrophes


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • Old Issues
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Characters not properly escaped in license section. This might happen in other places as well.

      Submitted by Alan O'Cais. Also from Alan:

      "Just to add a note, it only seems to affect the case where the user has an apostrophe in their name at registration time. In this case the license section is displayed as

      Type: All Rights Reserved
      Holder: Alan O'Cais

      If I take an account without an apostrophe and change the licence holder to include an apostrophe things are both presented and saved correctly (and can be modified again). If I try to change the licence holder to use the character sequence "Alan O'Cais", no changes are saved...perhaps it is the case that one of these characters is simply not allowed and the change is simply ignored and since the illegal character is in my username every change I make is ignored?"

              jimmyers Jim Myers
              lmarini Luigi Marini
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
