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  1. Daffodil
  2. DFDL-1686

Schema Definition Error and Warnings are hard to read


      Check out this set of SDWs from compiling the NACHA schema.

      There is some repetitiveness here which is due to Daffodil's compiler doing too much internal copying. That's a problem, but not what this bug is about.

      This bug is about being visually unable to easily separate them, identify the first line of each warning. These ought to be set apart somehow that makes it easier to read. Perhaps something as simple as a blank line?

      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}CCDEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 134 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 138 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 142 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 146 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 150 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 133 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}PPDEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 169 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 173 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 177 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 181 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 185 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 168 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}ATXEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 262 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 266 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 261 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}ACKEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 239 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 243 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 238 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}CTXEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 204 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 208 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 212 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 216 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 220 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 203 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}CCDEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 134 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 138 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 142 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 146 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 150 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 133 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}PPDEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 169 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 173 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 177 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 181 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 185 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 168 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}ATXEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 262 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 266 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 261 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}ACKEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 239 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 243 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 238 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}CTXEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 204 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 208 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 212 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 216 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 220 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 203 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}CCDEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 134 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 138 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 142 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 146 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 150 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 133 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}PPDEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 169 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 173 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[3] at Location line 177 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[4] at Location line 181 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[5] at Location line 185 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 168 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}ATXEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 262 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 266 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 261 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      Schema Definition Warning: Multiple choice branches are associated with the end of element {ach:2013}ACKEntry.
      Note that elements with dfdl:outputValueCalc cannot be used to distinguish choice branches.
      The offending choice branches are:
      sequence[1] at Location line 239 column 20 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      sequence[2] at Location line 243 column 18 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd
      The first branch will be used during unparsing when an infoset ambiguity exists.
      Schema context: choice Location line 238 column 16 in file:/home/mbeckerle/Documents/dataiti/git/DFDLSchemas/NACHA/2013/nacha_file.xsd

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mbeckerle.dfdl Mike Beckerle
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
