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  1. Daffodil
  2. DFDL-393

allow dfdl:assert, dfdl:discriminator on global elements and on simpleType definitions


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • s6
    • s4
    • Back End, Front End
    • None

      The DFDL Spec current disallows DFDL statement annotations (assert, discriminator, setVariable, newVariableInstance) to appear on global element declarations and on simpleTypes.

      However, the DFDL Workgroup has agreed this is an oversight and needs to be corrected. A future draft of the specification will correct this, and an errata to the existing spec is forthcoming.

      This features is needed to support important data formats in a reasonable way that avoids repetition of regular expressions all over the schema.

              jchab Jessie Chab
              mbeckerle.dfdl Mike Beckerle
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
