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  1. Euler
  2. EULER-32

Input visualization for individual input taxonomies


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major

      See /Dropbox/Euler-Runs/Minyomerus; also attached PDF. My requests.

      1. Sometimes, it will be useful to use --iv just to view a single input taxonomy.
      2. In those cases, the .gv rankdir=.. should be set by default to RL. (not LR)
      3. IF there are individual, unconnected (parentless) children, there should be a default, or option, to place them in the "right" hierarchical level. For instance, 1876.txt. - Thylacites_microsus is a species-level concept.
      4. Any option to sort names within a genus-level concept alphabetically? It's all over the map, compare e.g. M_languidus and M_innocuus across multiple taxonomies.

              parisa.kianmajd Parisa Kianmajd
              nfranz Nico Franz
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