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  1. Euler
  2. EULER-33

Aligning concept regions in merge visualizations


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major

      Again, runs are in: /Dropbox/Euler-Runs/Minyomerus. I have now added 13 pairwise alignments for the 14 Minyomerus input taxonomies. The unprocessed merge visualizations are collected into a single attached PDF.

      1. Example: 1876-1859 => Ideally the congruent (grey) region, which is at the species level, can be optionally moved (right) to that level. Issue applies to almost all alignment visualizations.

      2. Example: 1888-1876 => The grey 1888.Pseudelissa/_cinerea region is not grey because there is a 1888/1876 congruence. Instead this is just signaling two 1888 concepts. Wondering whether we can introduce a forth color (shape ok) for such instances. (common sense logic: check if two or more congruent regions in the merge have the same year [source taxonomy]; if yes than apply different color.)

      3. What is happening with 2015.Minyomerus_trisetosus in the 2015-1982 alignment?

      4. Also worth checking out the various (now T1,T2,A) input visualizations. Because the input taxonomies often have multiple (unconnected) roots, the spatial coherence of the input concepts is sometimes (too?) low.

              parisa.kianmajd Parisa Kianmajd
              nfranz Nico Franz
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