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  1. GeoDashboard
  2. GEOD-178

Station names on home page


      Contaminants station names: 1) switch names so that they start with location name and then Grid # (e.g., Apostle Island, Grid 1311). 2) Also, when hovering over the pins on the map, have the location name show up instead of grid #. 3) Use abbreviation "StC" for Lake St. Claire station instead of "CL."

      USGS station names: name each by tributary/river with # in parentheses. Pin on map should just be location name.
      "St. Louis River" for Superior site
      "St. Joseph River" for Michigan
      Saginaw River (Huron)
      Maumee River (Erie)
      Oswego River (Ontario)

      Lake Erie Lower Trophic Data--change "LETG" to "LEC"

              ntenczar Nicholas Tenczar
              ktepas Kristin TePas
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
