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  1. GeoDashboard
  2. GEOD-224

Search Page: Disable parameters and sources when they are not available


      Disable parameters or sources based on other checked parameters or sources.

      Use case #1:
      I "check" Lake Erie Commission as a data source. So we should "disable" parameters that are not part of that data. All other "sources" will remain enabled.

      Use case #2:
      I "check" the parameter for "Chlorophyll-a". The data sources that have Chlorophyll-a will be selected, and those sources that don't will be disabled. All the other parameters will remain enabled.

      So it seems like for this to work, checking a box in Parameters will disable Data Sources, and checking a box in Data Sources would disable Parameters; but it doesn't seem like checking a box in Data Sources should disable other Data Sources, nor should checking a box in Parameters disable other parameters.

      Use case #3:
      If I "check" an area, like Lake Michigan, Data Sources and Parameters not in that area will both be disabled.

      So it seems like Areas should be able to disable both Data Sources and Parameters.

              brock Brock Angelo (Inactive)
              ntenczar Nicholas Tenczar
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
