Uploaded image for project: 'GeoDashboard'
  1. GeoDashboard
  2. GEOD-24

Map mouse over show data


      Below are notes from v1.0 for reference. For 2.0 we need:

      • mouse over names of data sets, values of data points
      • Need to discuss with team what the user sees when mouse over/single click on a mapped data set. Will it be similar to 1.0 (doubtful) or a simple name with link to the data preview?

      Show preview data as mouse moves over graph at data points. (value, date, depth, etc... as applicable)

      There are a few issues to consider when designing this capability.

      1) keep it simple and only show Name:value:date:time:depth (least common denominator across all data types)
      2) Create a general solution that accommodates multiple data types. For example, if a user uploads a new data set and maps their columns to the systems predefined columns then we can always expose some subset or all of the data properties. Ideally, the new data type would appear in a preview config page and the server admin could select which columns would be listed in the preview.

      Is the preview a simple mouse over field or a more complex preview window? The simple mouse over would expose the least common denominator "name:value:date" while a more complex window could expose the selected columns in a popup dialog similar to the popup balloon concept.

      Simple: "name:value:date"

      uploaded by

      Let's discuss.... It may be the case we approach v1.0 mouse over and v2.0 configurable previews.

              ntenczar Nicholas Tenczar
              tmclaren Terry McLaren (Inactive)
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