Uploaded image for project: 'GeoDashboard'
  1. GeoDashboard
  2. GEOD-275

Explore Data > Time Series View> UI Revisions


      Suggestions for Time Series Layout

      1. Box containing site name could use the color of its pin on the map (see comp)
      2. Move back button to left side (more visible)
      3. Increase font size of text in the tabs by 1-2 points. Use Open Sans extra-bold
      4. Add season selector
      5. Add labels/scale to data range slider or could we use something like this: http://ghusse.github.io/jQRangeSlider/documentation.html
      6. Add Title "Select Nutrients" above the parameters list
      7. Use full name of parameters followed by abbreviation if there is one
      8. Reduce the overall dimensions of the context map and zoom out to get more perspective on the lake it's in and location in the lake

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              eroeder Eugene Roeder
              lgatzke Lisa Gatzke
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
