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  1. GeoDashboard
  2. GEOD-66

Final Demo Issues


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.0
    • None
    • None
    • None

      *When should we expect to see the IADN data?
      *Could you remove the whole-lake contaminants data from the whole-lake GLNPO nutrients data (star icon)? We'll merge the contaminants and have one contaminants icon per lake (listing nearshore and offshore data separately and then perhaps as one lake avg) but that doesn't have to be done by Friday.
      *Could you move the whole-lake icon for Superior up (north) a tad so it doesn't appear to be located on the peninsula.
      *The contaminants listed are broken down further than we need--Paris will talk with you Nick about the groupings (if he hasn't already).
      *Where is Mercury (Hg) in the contaminants list? It seems to only show up with the whole lake summaries?
      *I believe a long time ago we had talked about displaying the results of the Spearman's rho trend test to the right of the time series graphs. Is that still the case? If not for this go-around, then I'll ask Chris to remove the wording from the website.
      *Could you provide Chris the new snapshot of the pop-up box for "How to Use" since we now have the option to "download data" in the box.
      *On the Home page, could you change Monitoring "Stations" to Monitoring "Sites."

              ntenczar Nicholas Tenczar
              ntenczar Nicholas Tenczar
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