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  1. GeoDashboard
  2. GEOD-667

Compare Pill Counters don't match after a sensor is unclicked


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Sea Grant 2.0 beta 4
    • Sea Grant 2.0 beta 4
    • None

      This one is kind of rare, but I wanted to bring it to everyone's attention in case I don't get to it before the demo.

      lmarini kooper pcollingsworth

      I'm attaching a video recording of what happens, so open the movie file to see it in action. Here is what happens:

      Click SU01M, then SU02, then SU03.

      The map icons and the counters on the sensor pills will correspond to the order in which you clicked them:

      SU01M - shows 1 on the sensor pill and 1 on the map
      SU02 - shows 2 on the sensor pill and 2 on the map
      SU03 - shows 3 on the sensor pill and 3 on the map

      Here is where there is a problem:
      If you uncheck SU01M, you'll see the following:

      SU01M - map and sensor pills don't have a counter
      SU02 - still shows "2" on the sensor pill but shows "1" on the map
      SU03 - still shows "3" on the sensor pill but shows "2" on the map

      See the video if this is unclear: https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/jira/secure/attachment/16710/compare-pill-counters.mov

              brock Brock Angelo (Inactive)
              brock Brock Angelo (Inactive)
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