Uploaded image for project: 'Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory'
  1. Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory
  2. GLGVO-565

Additional new state specific dashboard


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Phase V - Task A - State 3 Specific Site

      Developing two new state sites and ongoing work with Illinois on GLTG site

      • In cooperation with NGRREC and two new state agencies (in addition to Illinois), NCSA will deploy state specific GLTG Geodashboards
      • NCSA will harvest and ingest new data for new states
      • NCSA will integrate additional contextual data (geospatial layers) for new states
      • NCSA will implement/test/finalize one or two new storyboards for each state

      Progress Tracking: Due 1/31/2021

      • Develop State Tracking Sites: LCCC will work with 2 new states and continue with Illinois to develop state specific sub-sites (user interface) that include state progress tracking dashboard, water quality data, key monitoring sites, and indicators for tracking changes in water quality.
      • Links to state dashboards will be provide to WFF. Links will not be expected to be live to the public.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              sbrad77 Shannon Bradley
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              1 Start watching this issue
