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  1. MAEviz
  2. MAE-1234

Two analyses cannot produce the same output type


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 3.2
    • 3.1
    • None
    • None
    • Green

      There is a UI bug and a bug in the creation of the analysis task for execution, both of which are related. In the UI, analysis descriptions are stored in a map that hashes on the analysis tag. This causes a collision in the map and prevents the UI selection from enabling the "finish" button for all but one analysis that share the same tag. However, the analysis tag is used to create an xml element that is used to determine the produced type (e.g. buildingDamage) and select the right task. This forces both analyses to specify the same tag, which in the UI breaks the descriptions being hashed by tag and on the backend, we'll have two analysis tasks that have the same tag so it's unclear which task will get executed. We can't simply give each analyis it's own tag because that tag is used to determine the produced type (it matches a specified data type).

              cnavarro Christopher Navarro
              cnavarro Christopher Navarro
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              1 Start watching this issue
