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  1. MAEviz
  2. MAE-427

Bridge Benefit-Cost Analysis and Report Issues


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.1
    • 2.1
    • Analysis System
    • None

      See Issue MAE-425.

      Analysis was performed using the options selected in the MAE-425 screenshot.

      Damage was checked and observed to be lower for bridge with ID 2 and matching type.

      Benefit-cost analysis was then run with inputs as shown in attached screenshot.

      Resulting dataset had all benefit-cost ratios equal to 1.00, and all retrofit costs = 0.

      Checked the dataset selected for Bridge Retrofit Cost Results Table, and noted that there were no retrofit costs in that dataset. Is MAEviz looking for the wrong type of dataset for that field?

      When I select the "Search for datasets" button, the dropdown seems nonfunctional.

      Finally, I also selected the report for Bridge Benefit/cost and MAEviz generated a pop-up error message.

      "An internal error occurred during: "Running analysis"."

              maeviz MAEViz Developer
              jssteelman Joshua Scott Steelman
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