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  1. MAEviz
  2. MAE-531

Issues from Omar's Tutorial Review


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.3
    • 2.3
    • None
    • None

      Hi Terry

      These are my comments on MAEViz 2.3 and the tutorial on an analysis for Shelby County.

      [completed] In the tutorial, page 11, line 7, the instruction indicates that the dataset Shelby County No SF can be located in the folder Building Inventory v4, however the dataset is not there. I found it in the folder MAE Building Inventory with the name Shelby County - No Single Family Homes.

      [completed] The LAT-LON data in the attribute table for Shelby County Buildings show only two decimal places. I think that the source file show coordinates with more decimal places.

      It would be useful that the search for dataset tool sorts the records by name, location, etc to easily locate the desired one for extensive lists.

      I would add a comment in the tutorial, page 18, paragraph 1, indicating that the liquefaction analysis is optional.

      In several parts of the tutorial the instruction to continue with an analysis (after a click in the Execute Analysis icon) is click in Next button; I think the appropriate instruction is click in Finish button.

      I could not finish the Building Direct Economic Damage analysis described in page 18, the advance bar showed 50% when the program stopped the advance. I repeated the previous analyses looking for mistakes but these apparently run fine. How long this analysis should take? Do you have any idea on what is wrong?



              cnavarro Christopher Navarro
              tmclaren Terry McLaren (Inactive)
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