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  1. MAEviz
  2. MAE-55

Remote Soil Data not available in Web Version for Deterministic Hazard


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.0
    • 1.0
    • Data, Portal, User Interface
    • None

      Under Define Input -> Hazard -> Deterministic -> Define New Scenario

      Clicking Browse for either Sediment Depth Map or Soil Profile Map automatically points to the local drive instead of remote data.

      >> Secondary question: What is the difference between SoilProfile.shp and SoilTypes.shp?

      Pointed to data on the local drive, but MAEViz seems to hang after clicking Finish. Don't know if this is because it's having difficulty with data on the local drive or some other problem.

      >> Secondary question: Why does MAEViz have a text input for "Output File"? Is this optional or required? What type of file is generated? Shapefile? Do I need to include an extension at the end of the file name?

              cnavarro Christopher Navarro
              jssteelman Joshua Scott Steelman
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