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  1. MAEviz
  2. MAE-8

Handle exceptions in a consistent fasion


      log4j is currently being used to capture exceptions and log them into various files (sys, error, etc).

      Next, we need to standardize the users interface to the system. Currently, the user gets a simple dialog that says an exception occurred but doesn't provide infomration about the exception.


      • Capture the exception data and display it in the dialog. Could be ugly and confusing.
      • Describe common exceptions and display info as needed. Would require exception/error ids and list
      • Display a dialog with a link to the exception in the log. Could use date-time stamp as unique id and link the dialog, 'more info' to the id in the log file.

      Other Issues:

      log file management.... do we allow them to get before purging? do we allow multiple log files based on date and purge after 30 days?

              maeviz MAEViz Developer
              shawn Shawn Hampton
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