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  1. Medici
  2. MMDB-1374

Videos generated by (ffmpeg in Unix)+(qt-faststart in Unix) don't seem to play with popcorn.js and video tag.


      That would explain why the original videos uploaded to the Unix server (not modified by the Unix system, ffmpeg or qt-faststart) and videos and previews on my localhost Windows system can be played by popcorn, at the same time all videos (including previews generated by the Unix-based extractor) can be played by Windows Media Player and Unix Movie Player and at the same time previews generated by a Unix-based video extractor cannot play in popcorn (it says it cannot decode them in the Firefox console).

      Previews generated by the Unix-based extractor can play in Quicktime using the object and embed tags.

      I don't think it's the video tag-else the original video would also not play in Popcorn, right?

      Maybe we should replace popcorn due to incompatibility? QuickTime may need a browser-side plugin to play, but I believe it's more reliable. I already tested with Quicktime on the Unix test server accessible here


      and it works.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              csophocleous Constantinos Sophocleous
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