Uploaded image for project: 'Medici'
  1. Medici
  2. MMDB-1871

Iframes previewer and tags extractor.


      Per requirements by Alan (Julich) and stakeholders in CyI for using Medici as a store for a training portal:

      -Be able to upload a file with a URL and view the URL page using a previewer in a way similar to
      -Have tags ("search words") added to that file after the URL by the user before uploading the file. Have an extractor extract them and add them as tags to the file (and thus any datasets containing the file have them viewed as "[File]" tags).
      -Autocheck for difference between upload time of file and current time, display a message that the iframe needs review regarding the displayed website when time difference is greater than a set time difference. This only when a user with editing/deletion rights to the file is viewing the file.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              csophocleous Constantinos Sophocleous
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