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  1. Medici
  2. MMDB-51

Annotate cet beans with changes for migration to 2.5


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 0.1
    • 0.1
    • None
    • None

      Several methods (such as update, getIds) replicate base functionality that is now in Tupelo 2.5. Since switching to 2.5 will require some substantial work on the part of Rob, Luigi, Kailash and possibly Shawn, these changes should be documented with FIXME's for future reference. The note should contain

      – what to do
      – which JIRA task corresponds to the functionality.

      Also, part of this should be to remove or deprecate methods that duplicate this (e.g. a lot of util classes have an update function that is redundant).

              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
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