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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-1099

API server should handle registrations differently when "next" parameter is specified


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      When "next" parameter (name subject to change) is given during registration, the API server needs to handle the request slightly differently.

      Workflow will likely look as follows:

      1. Request is received on /register - the API server should send the verification e-mail to the user
      2. Request is received on /verify - the API server should send approval e-mail to the admin
      3. Request is received on /approve - the API server should send approval confirmation to admin and user
        • Optionally, this step could create the application under the user's account (without starting it yet)
        • In this last case, the e-mail(s) should also include the link specified by "next" - this will provide the newly-approved user with a link to quickstart their service

      Open questions:

      1. What happens if we attempt to start a service that no longer exists
      2. What if the desired quickstart spec changes between signup and approval

              willis8 Craig Willis
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
