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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-1154

Ensure that all user service have resourceLimits as part of CheckAccount


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Backend
    • None
    • NDS Sprint 38

      We currently have a CheckAccounts script that ensures that all accounts in etcd are valid and have the correct flags to support all features the current/latest version of Labs Workbench. The script is then tagged and versioned as a part of ndslabs-startup to ensure that we have provided a way to verify integrity of existing accounts for any given version of the software.

      It should be fairly easy to extend this script so that it also verifies that each of the user services have resourceLimits set on them for when we release Workbench 1.1

      This ticket is complete when the above step(s) the check account script has been modified to do the following:

      For each account in etcd:

      1. verify account.lastLogin - if not set, set to 0
      2. verify account.inactiveTimeout - if not set, set to 480
      3. for each user service under that account in etcd:
        1. verify that it has a service.resourceLimits object - if not set, copy from spec in etcd

              willis8 Craig Willis
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
