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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-185

User should be able to change their Project login password


      As the end-user of NDS Labs, it would be beneficial to provide a way to alter the current project password.

      The REST API already contains a /passwd endpoint providing access to this functionality, which the CLI utilizes. Furthermore, much of the form logic (i.e. password / confirmation validation) already exists within the SignUp form. This should make it fairly simple to add another form to allow the user to change their password.

      The big question here is: Where should this form live?

      Options include:

      1. The login view is inaccessible when the user is logged-in, as it simply routes the user to the Home Page/View, but there is no reason that the login view cannot double as an "Account Details" view when the user already has a valid session
        • If we aren't sure that we will ever want more account-specific details, then this might be the better option
      2. Create a new View for "Account Details" that is accessible only when logged-in
        • If we plan to potentially add more account-specific settings, then this might be the better option

      See https://github.com/nds-org/ndslabs/issues/28 for more information

      This story is complete when the user has a way to change their password from the UI, as they can from the CLI.

              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
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                  Original Estimate - 2 hours Original Estimate - 2 hours
                  Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                  Time Spent - 3 hours