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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-191

Define multinode cluster requirements


    • Icon: Requirement Requirement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • Odum Release
    • None
    • Development
    • None

      This task encompasses analysis and design discussions needed to define requirements (i.e. user stories) for the multi-node cluster configuration. Output from this task will be a Confluence page defining requirements and a set of JIRA tickets/user stories reflecting the development tasks required to implement the multi-node Kubernetes cluster.

      A Confluence page has been started, documenting a simple prototype cluster based on an existing ansible playbook:

      Questions we might consider:

      • Can we use the kubernetes/contrib/ansible playbook as a basis for our own deployment?
      • Do we need all of the features/any other features not enabled by this playbook/
      • Features included in the contrib/ansible include: flannel networking, logging, monitoring, Kubernetes dashboard, DNS, etc.
      • Do we expect to support others bringing up NDSL clusters using this deploy strategy?

              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              willis8 Craig Willis
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
