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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-298

SkyDNS goes into a CrashLoop from probe failures


      As of NDS-238, the Ansible deployment scripts now deploy the SkyDNS Kubernetes addon. This addon exposes Kubernetes services over the network (supposedly) via DNS shorthand.

      Apparently, without this addon, the API server cannot properly resolve github.com while pulling the list of stack specs. This causes the API server to CrashLoop.

      More investigation is needed as to why this issue is occurring. but the liveness/readiness probe of skydns seem to be failing with a 503 HTTP status.

      This ticket is complete when:

      • the root cause of the issue is determined and addressed AND
        • EITHER the work necessary to mitigate or eliminate the problem has been performed
        • OR new tickets have been filed to discover/perform the work necessary to resolve the issue

              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
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