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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-339

User should be able to manage the files in their home directory


      As an end-user of NDS Labs, I should be able to manage the files in my home directory.

      This is akin to Windows Explorer, Finder, etc.

      Minimum baseline functionality:

      • Open/Edit/Save Files
      • Create Files and Folders
      • Delete Files and Folders
      • Move Files and Folders
      • Rename Files and Folders
      • Upload File
      • Download File

      It is likely that Cloud9 can accomplish much of this functionality, but we can discuss any other desired functionality when it comes up.

      It would also be to also explore (these might become future tickets, if they are not overly difficult to integrate):

      • Generate a skeleton Dockerfile with comments to help the user containerize their code
      • Mount an arbitrary FTP server
      • Link / pass-in data from their Dropbox/Drive/Box (i.e. application test data)
      • SCM integration?
        • Allow user to add Git, BB, etc repos?
        • This might be determined by the selected IDE

      This ticket is complete when the user is able to interact with their home directory (as listed above) via the NDS Labs UI.

              willis8 Craig Willis
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue


                  Original Estimate - 4 hours Original Estimate - 4 hours
                  Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                  Time Spent - 4 hours, 1 minute
                  4h 1m