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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-457

Set up build cascades on Docker Hub for automated builds


    • NDS Sprint 11

      Some Docker images have upstream dependencies (listed below) that should be chained together during automated builds to produce the correct set of final images.

      Most importantly are the build dependencies that we have imposed:

      1. DevEnvs
        • cloud9-base -> cloud9-go / cloud9-cpp / cloud9-nodejs / cloud9-java / cloud9-php (NDS-524)
        • xpra-base -> pycharm-xpra (NDS-524)
        • novnc-base -> pycharm-novnc (NDS-524)
      2. Clowder
        • ncsa/clowder-python-base -> all extractors? just plantcv?
        • java -> speech2text extractor?
        • use official ncsa images for other extractors (NDS-526)
      3. System Tools
        • jpillora/chisel -> ndslabs/chisel? – chisel does not have official version tags on Docker Hub, although it does on GitHub

      Less important, but still nice to have, would be if changes to the base images cascaded as well:

      1. Platform
        • node -> angular-ui we've pinned to node:6.3.1
        • ubuntu -> apiserver / gluster we've pinned to ubuntu:xenial / ubuntu:wily respectively
        • debian -> deploy-tools we've pinned to debian:jessie
      2. Dataverse/ iRODS
        • centos -> dataverse / solr / rserve -> tworavens we've pinned to centos:7.2.1511
        • ubuntu -> cloudbrowser / cloudbrowser-ui / icat -> dvicat we've pinned to ubuntu:14.04
      3. ELK
        • gliderlabs/alpine -> logspout we've pinned to gliderlabs/alpine:3.3
      4. System Tools
        • jenkins -> ndslabs/jenkins? we've pinned to jenkins:2.7.1-alpine
        • cloudcmd -> ndslabs/cloudcmd? using an official image, for now

      This ticket is complete when our automated Docker Hub builds are triggered automatically by successful upstream builds.

              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
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                  Original Estimate - 3 hours Original Estimate - 3 hours
                  Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                  Time Spent - 6 hours