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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-622

Bower dependency conflicts


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • Labs Workbench - Beta
    • User Interface
    • None

      The following error is output when performing a "bower install" on the Labs Workbench UI:

      Please note that,
          ng-password-strength#0.2.1 depends on lodash#^3.0.1 which resolved to lodash#3.10.1
          angular-ndslabs depends on lodash#~4.5.1 which resolved to lodash#4.5.1
      Resort to using lodash#4.5.1 which resolved to lodash#4.5.1
      Code incompatibilities may occur.
      Please note that,
          angular-animate#1.3.20 depends on angular#1.3.20 which resolved to angular#1.3.20
          angular-busy#4.1.3 depends on angular#~1.3 which resolved to angular#1.3.20
          ng-password-strength#0.2.1 depends on angular#~1.3.15 which resolved to angular#1.3.20
          angular-gage#0.1.0 depends on angular#1.4.0 which resolved to angular#1.4.0
          angular-alert#f27158532d, angular-grid#6b063ba23c, angular-wizard#5d20b88124 depends on angular#~1.4.0 which resolved to angular#1.4.12
          angular-animate#1.5.8, angular-cookies#1.5.8, angular-loader#1.5.8, angular-messages#1.5.8, angular-mocks#1.5.8, angular-resource#1.5.8, angular-route#1.5.8, angular-sanitize#1.5.8 depends on angular#1.5.8 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          angular-ndslabs depends on angular#~1.5.0 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          angular-chart.js#0.10.2 depends on angular#1.x which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          angular-clipboard#1.5.0 depends on angular#* which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          angular-bootstrap#1.3.3 depends on angular#>=1.4.0 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          angular-swagger-ui#0.3.3 depends on angular#~1 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          ng-tags-input#3.1.1 depends on angular#>=1.3.0 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          angular-bootstrap-pwgen#0.1.1 depends on angular#>= 1.2.0 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
          angular-gravatar#0.4.2 depends on angular#>=1.0.0 <2.0.0 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
      Resort to using angular#~1.5.0 which resolved to angular#1.5.8
      Code incompatibilities may occur.
      Please note that,
          angular-busy#4.1.3 depends on angular-animate#~1.3 which resolved to angular-animate#1.3.20
          angular-ndslabs depends on angular-animate#~1.5.0 which resolved to angular-animate#1.5.8
          angular-bootstrap-pwgen#0.1.1 depends on angular-animate#>= 1.2.0 which resolved to angular-animate#1.5.8
      Resort to using angular-animate#~1.5.0 which resolved to angular-animate#1.5.8
      Code incompatibilities may occur.

      The affected packages are:

      • lodash
      • angular
      • angular-animate

      While this is innocuous right now, it can indicate potential problems in backward compatibility. I should really go back and clean this up to make sure all components are happy using Angular 1.5.X and beyond.

      This ticket is complete when I have revisited the bower.json file for the Labs Workbench in order to:

      1. clean up / remove any unused packages
      2. migrate away from using components that depend on older versions or fork them so we can update them ourselves by modifying their bower.json in a similar fashion

              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
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                  Original Estimate - 4 hours
                  Remaining Estimate - 4 hours
                  Time Spent - Not Specified
                  Not Specified