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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-82

Clowder on Kubernetes


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • NDS Workshop 5
    • None
    • Development
    • None

      Attempt to build a containerized version of Clowder on K8.
      This is a very large and very challenging task and you may need to restart as you move down unfruitful paths and/or learn more advanced container development techniques.
      Please git commit at every microstep, and push up to your github branch at every logical step working or not.

      This will exercise just about every conceivable dev/container/cluster skill and will be a major contribution back to clowder.
      Make short notes on what you do, steps, strategies, experiments, outcomes, and lesssons. The notes alone will be a major contribution to other new devs if done well.

      Approach it stepwise:

      1. Clone the repo and branch off of v2, maybe named v2plusClowder
      2. add source to ndsdev at /nds/src and any tools that you find necessary - the goal is that the ndsdev encapsulates the entire development environment of ndslabs so a developer just spins it up and starts with the container including everything necessary.
      3. make a services/ncsa/clowder, and create a Makefile following
        one of the recent make-enabled components as an example.
      4. Build the clowder image or images as given from https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/bitbucket/scm/bd/dockerfiles.git
      5. Make a kubectl to boot up and services that clowder assumes run on the host (mongo/rabbitmq/???) - so basically boots up clowder
      6. Start teasing apart the VM-model container into a number of microservice containers and adjust the k8 pod to bring them all up
      7. Try and separate the build tools, libs, etc. into a clowder-dev image, that builds the whole stack and produces a minimal set of clowder images.

      As always, frequent short get-togethers to share problems and talk through issues are essential.

              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              raila David Raila
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