
    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • NDS Workshop 5
    • None
    • Development
    • None

      Here are links to some resources you should review to start familiarizing yourself with NDS, our projects, and some of the resources we work with:

      National Data Service: http://www.nationaldataservice.org/
      *Be sure to look over the Shared Vision of Success and the Interim Charter that are linked at the bottom of the home page
      *What should NDS Provide covers in more detail services NDS hopes to offer: http://www.nationaldataservice.org/about/provide.html
      *Projects talks briefly about the types of projects NDS supports currently: http://www.nationaldataservice.org/projects/

      *I’m not sure how familiar you are with container technology but if not, this is a good place to start: https://www.docker.com/what-docker
      **Docker documentation: https://docs.docker.com/
      *Jupyter is one of the programming languages we use: http://jupyter.org/

      I think this is enough to get started. Once we have you set-up in Hipchat as your review these resources, you can post questions there or come and talk with any of us.


              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              kmchenry Kenton McHenry
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
