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  1. National Data Service
  2. NDS-93

NDS Labs: GUI Prototype


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • NDS Workshop 5
    • None
    • Development
    • None
    • AngularJS on any web server

      We would like to put together a prototype / skeleton for what we want the User Interface to look like for NDS Labs. Use the mockups provided here as a base: https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/confluence/plugins/servlet/mobile#content/view/78872603

      Ideally, we want the following bare minimum functionality for the prototype:

      1. List out available services on the left side
      2. Allow users to select services to add to the canvas
      3. Adding a service to the canvas graphically shows added services
      4. Clicking an added service, followed by a different added service will create a link between the two services (this can be refined later once we work out which services should be able to be linked together in this fashion)
      5. Services can be removed from the canvas, which will clean up any existing connections that are no longer valid

      Once the prototype is in place, we can refine it further and further, updating style and easing user experience as we go.

              lambert8 Sara Lambert
              lambert8 Sara Lambert
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