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  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-1022

Reorient the top-level navigation to user actions


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2.0
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Beta 2 Sprint 6

      As a user, I want the SEAD top level navigation to guide me to the areas of SEAD that will serve my goals of working with a team, adding and organizing data, and finding my own and others' public data.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      1. Top level items are

      • "You" (only shown for logged in users)
      • "Explore" (shown for all users, both authenticated and non-authenticated)
      • "Create" (only shown for logged in users)
      • "About" (shown for all users, both authenticated and non-authenticated)

      2. Each top level item has a clear visual indicator that it's a drop list menu. Use the little pointing-down triangles as indicators.

      3. "You" droplist menu contains (in this order; only shown for logged in users):

      • "Dashboard" (link to (after login): /). The header at the top of the Dashboard page is the users' name. e.g Dharma Akmon
      • "Project Spaces" (links to: /spaces?showAll=false). The header at the top of the page is "My Project Spaces"
      • "Datasets" (links to the list of all the datasets that belong to the user or any project spaces she belongs to (NOT public ones that are part of Project Spaces she doesn't belong to)). I don't think this links exists yet. Is it possible to create the new query for this story? The header at the top of the page is "My Datasets"
      • "Collections" (links to the list of all the collections that belong to the user or any project spaces she belongs to (NOT public ones that are part of Project Spaces she doesn't belong to). I don't think this link exists yet. Is it possible to create the new query for this story?). The header at the top of the page is "My Collections".

      4. "Explore" droplist menu contains (in this order; shown for all users, both authenticated and non-authenticated users):

      • "Project Spaces" Link to: /spaces. The header at the top of the page says "All Project Spaces"
      • "Datasets' Links to /datasets. The header at the top of the page says "All Datasets"
      • "Collections" Links to /collections. The header at the top of the page says "All Collections"
      • "Users" (/users)
      • "Ordered Tags" (/tags/list/ordered)
      • "Weighted Tags" (/tags/list/weighted)
      • "Advanced Search" (/metadata/search)

      5. "Create" droplist menu contains (in this order; only shown for logged in users):

      • "Project Space" links to /spaces/new
      • "Dataset" links to /datasets/new
      • Collection links to /collections/new

      6. "Help" droplist menu contains (in this order; shown for all users, both authenticated and non-authenticated):

      7. On the Project Spaces list page there is not longer a need for the toggle that is "my spaces" and "all spaces." (taken care of with the top level navigation)

          1. SEAD2.0-1.pdf
            247 kB
            Michael Iannaccone

              indiragp Indira Gutierrez Polo
              dharmrae Dharma Akmon
              0 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue


                  Original Estimate - 1 day, 2 hours
                  1d 2h
                  Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                  Time Spent - 1 day, 2 hours
                  1d 2h