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  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-1068

2.0 Operations configuration


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2.0
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • The Dharma Initiative

      In addition to the core tasks of finalizing the software and deploying it to users, and the PR aspects of announcing the release, there are a number of operations/config issues that should be addressed as part of the roll out. We should finalize the list of what those are (this task?) and then make sure that they are done as part of this or other tasks.

      Known tasks that could be done for 2.0 or soon after:
      1. Assure we have sufficient space for the increased use expected (not sure what resources are allocated to sead2-beta now - minimally we should document that and make sure its being monitored and we're giving users guidance on how much data is allowed without warning).
      Status: Done. Rob says storage is ok. Using 7.4% now (36.38/489.6 GB). Being monitored.

      2. Make sure the content is being backed up.
      Status: Done. Rob says backup is being run.

      3. Make sure we have know who can admin the machine.
      Status: Done. It is Luigi and Indira.

      4. Turn off the public http access to the log file (which includes password change requests, etc.).
      Status: Done.

      5. Configure sead2 to point to the production https://seadva.d2i.indiana.edu as the publication services.
      Status: Done

      6. Deploy the latest code to seadva production server.
      Status: BP: state the date

      7. Decide how to handle test publication requests (e.g. those marked with Purpose:Testing-Only when sent) on the production server.
      Status: BP: getting back

      8. Make sure that the repository profiles on the seadva.d2i.indiana.edu server are up to date and all valid (ICPSR is not up to date? and Ideals is listed but I'm not sure if it is ready for production requests or just testing, ...).
      Status: BP: will resolve. Ideals done, waiting to hear back from Tom about ICPSR open profile

      9. Ingest people profiles in production services (nominally they are added as used in publications, but we could scan the list of people on the test server and pre-populate the production pdt).
      Status: Done

      10. Finish republishing 1.x content.
      Status: BP: underway

      11. Decide/document if/how/where the state of the SEAD publication services are backed up (their info is required for sda publications to be visible and hold unique provenance for other publications).
      Status: Done. Local disks are backed up. Curbee and Matchmaker persist state to PDT's MongoDB which is replicated across separate machines <fill in machine names here>. Where does this get documented?

      12. SEADVA machine admin:
      Status: Done. SEADVA machines are under professional admin by School of Informatics IT Group.

      13. Ensure have sufficient space for ingesting large ROs into IU SEAD Cloud.
      Status: (BP) may be resolved by limits in new IU SEAD Cloud profile. Checking.

              dharmrae Dharma Akmon
              jimmyers Jim Myers
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