Uploaded image for project: 'SEAD'
  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-129

Update Logo and apply SEAD image guidelines where possible


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Yellow

      Jim, I don't know who to assign this to - and it's only thinly related to WBS 6.2.

      Please apply SEAD's revised logo to ACR landing page - required for consistent look amongst SEAD products for demo at NSF site review. website logo and color document are located in www.ctools.umcih.edu / SEAD 2011-2015 / Tools

      I will also attempt to attach files here. (I'm having trouble attaching - email me if you need assistance in locating the .png file in Ctools.)

      If attached logo needs to be resized, please contact Marietta for assistance: mznblue@umich.edu

              zhangy32 Yudong Zhang
              mznblue Marietta Van Buhler
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
