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  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-91 Minimal metadata
  3. SEAD-220

Define 1.0 minimal and recommended default metadata


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.0
    • 1.0
    • None

      Starting from existing material, define a list of metadata fields that SEAD will promote as minimum best-practice. For each term, we need the globalID (e.g. http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format ), a human readable label, a description of the usage/meaning, and any info about required format or controlled vocabulary for the values.
      Once defined, this list will be used as the default for the User/add metadata area of the ACR, in developer documentation, and in the VA.

      While it may go beyond 1.0, the distinction between minimal and recommended is intended to help us separate metadata we want to push for (e.g. by highlighting in red when it doesn't exist, or showing it on the right-side panel in ACR/Medici rather than the general user metadata list) from metadata where we'd like to encourage the use of standard terms (e.g. if you're going to record what instrument was used to take the data, we want to suggest ODM:instrument rather than some other term).

      This should have input from Praveen/Mostafa as well, particularly for the recommended set...

              jimmyers Jim Myers
              jimmyers Jim Myers
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