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  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-233

Outline new top-level oranization for website


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.5
    • 1.0.1
    • None

      Given the changes to our services and the new documentation (install/user/dev/FAQ material for each component/service), new info about our pilot phase (1.0 release, 1.0 preservation model), and any other missing/under-documented items (new partners In year 3, list of ACR instances, internal links to smartsheets, ctools, etc.), outline a new/expanded website structure/menu to which new content can be added.

      Added 5/29/14 Currently there is no persistent navigation across SEAD pages and services. http://sead-data.net/ has it's own top nav bar; VA its own, ACR its own, VIVO its own. The same goes for elements in the footer. The result of this is an inability to easily navigate between the tools and services as well as a lack of cohesive branding. A new header and footer will be created with navigational elements that are the same across all SEAD pages. These should have the same styling and placement on each page.

              dharmrae Dharma Akmon
              jimmyers Jim Myers
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              3 Start watching this issue
