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  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-509

Integrate SEAD and Project Branding


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 1.5b
    • None
    • None
    • None

      In our user interface, we need to figure out the best way to integrate SEAD branding with project/center level branding. Find out where project level branding should occur and generate mockups for implementing project branding while still maintaining some SEAD branding. zhuxuan

      These mockups address integration of SEAD and project level branding, integrated navigation, and consistent look and feel with sead-data.net.

      Collection & Datasets Pages Specs
      Typesetting Changes
      1. The landing page will be the "about page" when user clicks through. Attached mockups show how the pages look like when people visit it as a non logged-in user and as a logged-in user. Also, the mockups show how the page looks like when there are public collections as well as when the page has no collections.
      2. Sub navigation has been added to the very top of the page for users to go back to SEAD website and explore other SEAD features
      3. The logo of the project organization has been displayed at the header part of the page
      4. The user login are displayed at the right top of the header
      5. When logged in, the navigation bar will display “About”, “Datasets”, “Collections”, “GeoBrowse”, “Tags”, “Dashboard”.
      6. When administrator is logged in, an “administration” is added to the navigation bar

      Design Changes
      1. Font style can be found with font style guide
      2. Header navigation bar height: 30 px
      3. Logo max size: 540px(width) X 50px (height)
      4. Collection image size: 200px X 200px
      5. When collection name gets longer, it will automatically become two rows, see example in the mockups as “Long Collection Title that wraps to two lines”

          1. About-logged-in-with-content.jpg
            901 kB
          2. About-not-logged-in-with-content.jpg
            883 kB
          3. About-not-logged-in-with-no-content.jpg
            485 kB
          4. Collection-logged-in.jpg
            643 kB
          5. Collection-not-logged-in.jpg
            616 kB
          6. Datasets-logged-in.jpg
            523 kB
          7. Datasets-not-logged-in.jpg
            495 kB
          8. Font-guide1.jpg
            378 kB
          9. Font-guide2.jpg
            325 kB
          10. header for nced.png
            header for nced.png
            144 kB
          11. header with longer name.png
            header with longer name.png
            135 kB
          12. header without logo.png
            header without logo.png
            74 kB
          13. header with short name.png
            header with short name.png
            131 kB
          14. sead-header-v8.zip
            140 kB

              jimmyers Jim Myers
              dharmrae Dharma Akmon
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
