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  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-4 Implement first data model in the ACR
  3. SEAD-58

geo display of angelo basic GIS collection data


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • WBS 2.2.4 - Geo
    • None

      THe angelo basic GIS coverage data is all ESRI shape data - not zipped - there's one set at the top level and several in the sub-dir. This task is to look at those data sets, see if they can be easily zipped and made to show up in the geo-webapp display. If they can, create zipped versions of the data, mark them as duplicates of the original data, and verify they show up in the display as layers. If not, please document what the issue(s) are that will have to be fixed to allow display. (I'm guessing this is a task for Jong, but he's not currently listed in Jira for SEAD)

              jonglee Jong Lee
              jimmyers Jim Myers
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