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  1. SEAD
  2. SEAD-75

Show terms of IRs licensing agreements in ACR


      Researchers need to be aware that when their data are deposited into repositories, they agree to the terms and conditions of those repositories. Currently, we have two repositories IUScholarworks (http://www.scholarworks.iu.edu/research/license.php) and IDEALS (https://services.ideals.illinois.edu/wiki/bin/view/IDEALS/DepositAgreement)

      A short common version that can be made available to researchers in ACR can be phrased as follows: "By agreeing to deposit your data into repositories, you grant universities the non-exclusive right to reproduce, translate, and/or distribute your submission worldwide. Under these agreements you retain all rights you had to these items before they were deposited. You can read the full licenses at the links provided."

      In the future we might need to decide how researchers would agree to terms if they don't know to which archive their data would go.

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