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  1. Tupelo
  2. TUP-286

Use the table name property in H2 context


      In the current H2 context implementation, we follow H2's method of using the name of the path. So if the path property is set to "/my/path/to/h2" then a database named "h2" is created in the directory "/my/path/to". The tableName property is completely ignored.

      Suggestion: use the tableName property to create the database in the path.

      Pro: more intuitive for context users

      Con: Anyone who tries to access the database directly would have to be aware of this and fix the jdbc url accordingly. Few people will actually do this, since all that is available are the tables of raw triples.

      Note that now we somewhat break SQL context's expected behavior, since setting a table name does nothing.

      This suggestion should be evaluated, since I have run into it a couple of times as questions from users who were trying to set up H2 as a quick test only to get confused about why the database was not being created as expected.

              futrelle Joe Futrelle (Inactive)
              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
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