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  1. Tupelo
  2. TUP-442

Lustre testing


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 2.5
    • Kernel
    • None

      Finish up the testing in lustre. Included should be

      • times for directory creation for each write
      • times for interleaved reads and writes. This should emulate a common usage pattern better than, say, simply doing all the writes then all the reads.
      • Runs for 10^5 files at 10^6 bytes, 10^4 files at 10^7 bytes and 10^3 files at 10^8 bytes
      • Averages for all operations in addition to raw times.
      • Try to determine the "sweet spot" for directory depth. This will consist of running sets (10^4 files or so??) with different depths and plotting the times against each others. Conjecture: There is a bell curve with optimal times at depth of 3 or 4.

      Final reports on reads and writes should consist of charts of files against time with each run.

              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
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