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  1. Tupelo
  2. TUP-459

Syncing beans for proxy fetch


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.5
    • None
    • Beans
    • None

      The following will not return a populated bean proxy:

      beanSession.mapAndRegister(subject, bean);
      BeanProxy beanProxy = beanSession.fetchBeanProxy(subject);

      The reason is that until save is issued, nothing in the bean is actually put into the session. This is expected behavior, but was a head scratcher.

      Solutions are

      (1) serialize the bean whenever such a proxy is requested
      (2) hand off the serialization to the conversion utility in BeanProxies.

      The best solution is #1 since #2 does not register the beans or proxies with the session.

              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
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