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  1. Tupelo
  2. TUP-472

Ability to set values predicate-wise in bean session


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Beans
    • None

      Bean session allows you to set values for which a bean has no property by getting its thing session and issuing the calls with the predicate. However, in the case that the bean does have a property mapped to the predicate, the state would not be updated. So a pair of calls like

      setValue(bean, predicate, value);
      setValues(bean, predicate, Collection, keepOrderFlag);

      are needed.

      Analogously, there should be calls like

      Object getValue(bean, predicate);
      Collection getValues(bean, predicate);

      which will update the value of a specific property if it is mapped to the predicate.

              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
              jgaynor Jeffrey Gaynor
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