Release Notes - Daffodil - Version s12 - HTML format


  • [DFDL-419] - bad diagnostic about remote vs. local delimter, when required field was missing.

Technical task

  • [DFDL-174] - Test AZ - Escape Schemes again
  • [DFDL-180] - Test BF - unordered sequences and choices


  • [DFDL-299] - UTF-32 and byteOrder='littleEndian" test fails
  • [DFDL-319] - Inconsistent behavior when encountering a single trailing white-space character vs a single leading white-space characters in an otherwise valid unsigned integer
  • [DFDL-331] - Tests pass using embedded schema but fail when schema is not embedded.
  • [DFDL-400] - Unable to produce Unique Particle Attribution error
  • [DFDL-471] - Literal (non-entity) whitespace should not be acceptable within certain properties
  • [DFDL-545] - Managed to get a "should be no fall through to this case" Abort message
  • [DFDL-569] - sbt pack fails on Cygwin
  • [DFDL-667] - In a string, '{{' as the first characters should be treated as the literal '{' and not a DFDL expression
  • [DFDL-672] - xs:hexBinary & xs:string - representation property should not be examined.
  • [DFDL-685] - Unexpected separatorSuppressionPolicy error when one schema includes another
  • [DFDL-698] - Alignment: Avoid Ambiguity When Parsing
  • [DFDL-705] - Typo in log output
  • [DFDL-708] - Pattern facet does not restrict a comma for a string
  • [DFDL-730] - zipped cli package should not contain build.sbt
  • [DFDL-743] - diagnostic from missing include/import doesn't give schema location
  • [DFDL-764] - occursCount function fails when there is only 1 occurrence
  • [DFDL-766] - bad diagnostic: reference to unset and undefined variable gives invariant failed.
  • [DFDL-780] - Build.scala fails with java.lang.AssertionError when branch not setup to track version branch.
  • [DFDL-781] - lengthKind implicit on xs:string causing StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters exception
  • [DFDL-789] - validation mode is inconsistent with CLI standards
  • [DFDL-804] - Float Decimal Precision behaving unexpectedly
  • [DFDL-832] - Not yet implemented - must say what is not implemented
  • [DFDL-838] - trailingSkip when lengthKind = "delimited" should require a terminator
  • [DFDL-843] - textNumberProps: non-distinct properties should cause SDE
  • [DFDL-850] - Unordered Sequences: Typo in error output
  • [DFDL-854] - TestDsomCompiler.testSequence1 random failures
  • [DFDL-859] - text number padding (outside of textNumberPattern) does not work with xs:decimal or xs:nonNegativeInteger
  • [DFDL-862] - Ambiguity in Spec regarding validation in the presence of backtracking
  • [DFDL-876] - convert schema examples (Mitre effort) into TDML tests
  • [DFDL-883] - Daffodil looking in incorrect schemas when trying to find a root node
  • [DFDL-885] - Upgrade saxon to saxon-HE 9.5
  • [DFDL-887] - UnknownHostException when trying to run tests
  • [DFDL-906] - Solaris Performance testing VM causing problems
  • [DFDL-907] - Empty escapeEscapeCharacter preventing full parse
  • [DFDL-909] - CLI Help - rightmost character is chopped off

New Feature

  • [DFDL-500] - CLI: Create Verbose Mode for Executing Tests
  • [DFDL-855] - Predefined external variables


  • [DFDL-865] - Spec Clarification needed: totalDigits, fractionDigits, and textNumberPattern
  • [DFDL-875] - Integrate sbt build system with Bamboo
  • [DFDL-882] - replace all 32-Bit packages with 64-bit versions


  • [DFDL-449] - change API to allow later binding of external variables
  • [DFDL-458] - Refactor nearestEnclosingSequence and inChoiceBeforeEnclosingSequence
  • [DFDL-739] - Make CLI TDML Runner More User Friendly
  • [DFDL-800] - Validation: Improve upon Xerces Diagnostic Info
  • [DFDL-848] - Remove sequenceKind defaulting

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