Core application including web front end

Build: #4 was successful Changes by Sara Lambert


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Sending build context to Docker daemon  8.192kB
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Step 1/7 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> 13c9f1285025
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Step 2/7 : MAINTAINER Bing Zhang <>
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> Using cache
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> 6b58990b56a0
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Step 3/7 : ENV USERNAME=""     EMAIL_ADDRESS=""     FIRST_NAME="Example"     LAST_NAME="User"     PASSWORD=""     ADMIN="false"     MONGO_URI="mongodb://mongo:27017/clowder"
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> Using cache
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> 97e7f1bc2458
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Step 4/7 : RUN apt-get update     && apt-get install -y         python-pymongo         python-passlib         python-bcrypt     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> Using cache
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> 64a1ba7f75b0
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Step 5/7 : WORKDIR /
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> Using cache
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> cb2d80001435
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Step 6/7 : COPY /
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> Using cache
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> b0d9774da6e3
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Step 7/7 : CMD python
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> Using cache
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 ---> f9ef351fe89a
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Successfully built f9ef351fe89a
10-Jul-2019 12:21:13 Successfully tagged clowder/mongo-init:latest
10-Jul-2019 12:21:26 Unable to publish artifact [manual]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1010-JOB1/doc/src/sphinx/_build/html does not exist.